
How to make an order?

Compiling a task
Fill out an application, get a preliminary calculation of the price and terms.
Finding a supplier
We find a foreign supplier. We discuss delivery terms and prices
We conclude a contract
We conclude a foreign economic contract with the manufacturer
Make a payment
Make payment for the goods according to the agreements reached. We carry out settlements with the supplier within the framework of the decommissioning contract.
The plant provides
The plant manufactures or provides finished products. According to the agreement, our agent can check the quality of the goods, packaging, provide a photo / video report with a post-payment for the service.
Sending goods
We organize the shipment of goods from the country of origin according to the terms of delivery.
Pay the invoice
After sending the goods, before arriving on the territory of the Russian Federation, you pay the freight, calculated customs payments and, if necessary, services for the certification of goods.
Customs clearance
Upon arrival of the cargo to the customs territory of the Russian Federation, we carry out its customs clearance
We send cargo across the Russian Federation
Pay for the delivery of goods by rail and road to your address.
Do you accept cargo?
The cargo arrives at your destination - warehouse, store, production. Carry out the acceptance of the goods for compliance with the shipping documents.