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Golden Parallel

Belarus approves tariffs for European truckers

The government of Belarus has approved the fares across the country for truckers from the European Union, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports, citing Council of Ministers Resolution No. 737 of October 31, 2022, published on the National Legal Portal of Belarus.

Earlier, on October 10, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus lifted the ban imposed in April 2022 on international transportation of goods by road carriers from the EU countries through the territory of Belarus. Now European truckers are given the opportunity to register with the Transport Inspectorate and pay for travel: 15 base units, based on the size of the base unit, which is set on the date the permit was issued. In November, the base value is 32 rubles. Accordingly, the cost of obtaining a permit will be 480 rubles – more than 180 dollars.

This measure does not apply to the transportation of humanitarian goods, medicines and medical devices, live animals, postal items, as well as bulky cargo, the transportation of which requires a special permit.

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